Outcasts, baby

Dear class B21,

Brain food!

This is my I-feel-awesome-'cause-I-studied-for-like-15mins-and-I-was-able-to-answer-the-test face.

Better late than never, right?

We were late on taking the test this afternoon and we saw that almost all the chairs were occupied by our classmates (which by the way belongs to a different course). So... no choice. We have to take the test right along the hallway. 
Which means a lot of things would distract us.
And that means ourselves. 

During the test. Yeah, I took out my phone. So what? 
I felt the need of recording this.

AB Com power!

Only we would think of getting a picture.


Being an outcast doesn't necessarily make all things suckish. If you have the right people to turn things upside down and sprinkle the word fun on these kind of sitch, then... everything will be more than fine. :))

Fun starts on how you see things.


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