Rearrange My Heartbeat

Sometimes you got to bleed to know
That you have a life 
And have a soul..


I can't sleep.
And I blame myself 'cause I might have been drinking far too much coffee that I can handle.

Caffeine makes my heart beat fast.
It reminds me I'm alive.
Conscious and breathing.
Coffee tells me I exist.

You wanna know what else reminded me that I live?


My heart beat random patterns when I was with you.

It went fast.
It went slow.
It even made songs.

It had rhythms I sang to.
And beats I danced to like;
And my favorite of all: waltz.

I knew I was alive when I felt my heart beating for you-- and with you.

But then--

-and I felt dead for a while. I don't know what happened. All I know is that I feel numb and lifeless for days.

It was strange and I realized how much you meant a lot to me. I was made to believe that I needed you. My heart grew sore and weary, y'know like a heavy water balloon. But instead of water, it was blood. Then I started bleeding on the inside. It was not a pretty good feeling to begin with; and I'm sure you know that.

Needing you felt wrong so I trained myself to make my heart pump with just my own will and determination.

Baby steps-- gently gaining it's own beat again.

Day after day
Night after night
It played it's rhythm.

Lub-dub-lub- damn it.

Until you happened again.
The pattern alternated.

I keep humming the songs again.
I keep tapping my feet again.

I existed again.

And now that I think about it..
..I don't think I drank coffee today.



Breathe Me by Sia
Candy by Mandy Moore
Right Back Where It Started From by Cleopatra
Starting Over by John Lennon
The Only One by Part Time Musicians


DEKADA Cine-U Film Fest was held last Tuesday! Ten years of awesomeness and I get to experience my first-- with one entry and and as an officer. Lol.

(c) Kyle's

(c) Kyle's

(c) Aaron's

(c) Aaron's

(c) Kyle's
(c) Leo's

(c) Kyle's

(c) Leo's

(c) Not sure who owns this but I know you don't mind

I had fun!

On behalf of the CINE-U officers, I'd like to thank everyone's cooperation and support. Until next time~ ciao!


I hope you have a great weeeeeeek~


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