Elections 2016: God Save Us

This post is not just for the Filipinos, but also for the Americans who will be electing new officials.

(But mostly for the Filipinos)


Earlier this day was my grandmother’s burial ceremony. Part of the ceremony was to write prayers and wishes and tie them to balloons so that we can metaphorically send them to heaven. I asked my dad what he wrote on the piece of paper and he told me that he wrote: “God save us all.” I giggled ‘cause I sorta didn’t buy it. But he looked pretty serious so I asked why and he answered, “Because of the elections.”


You’re probably not surprised as I am but news all over the internet, television, radios and newspapers revolve around one major event in history which is the elections. As a concerned citizen (netizen/blogger or whatever you call me), I feel compelled to write or give out my opinion about the upcoming Presidential Elections in our country.

There will be consequences and we should be aware of that. Banks statements, properties and personal issues are the highlight of the candidates’. Currently, Duterte is obviously leading the polls. The recent issue seems oddly suspicious considering the fact that he’s not responding as fast as the previous controversies against him.

In this post, I will consider every candidate corrupt, evil and probably hiding some bad secrets. In fact, I’ll consider them humane as possible.

BINAY, Jejomar

(c) Rappler

To the common Pinoy, Binay’s image is already ruined ever since the allegations of his corruption. If he doesn’t win, chances are—he’s probably gonna go to prison. But had we known all of his “doings”, would he still have been our Vice President?

Here are Binay’s platforms:

1.) establish more effective monitoring and supervision of priority programs and projects
2.) amendments in the 1987 constitution regardless of the economic provisions
3.) passage of the Fiscal Incentives Rationalization Act and Right-Of-Way Act
4.) amendments in the Build-Operate-Transfer Law
5.) creation of the Department of Information Technology
6.) reducing personal and income taxes
7.) strengthened mining, agriculture and manufacturing industries
8.) accelerate infrastructure development
9.) respect the sanctity of contracts
10.) lowering of income and corporate taxes
11.) revisit the taxation system.


(c) Inquirer

To be fair—I am a Yolanda victim and yeah, I kind of disliked the way he treated Leyteans. I just want to point out that sometimes, Mar says things before thinking. Like, Mar—why? I think 95% of Region VIII hates you right now. Although, come to think of it—he doesn’t have a lot of serious controversies. The only reason why most people dislike him is because of well—being himself.

Here are Mar’s platforms:

1. To discourage and totally dampen the creation of conditions by the private sector and the government that may hinder the growth and competitiveness of private businesses, which include the small, medium, and big enterprises;

2. To create more domestic jobs so that working abroad will not be a necessity, but rather a choice for Filipino citizens; and when a Filipino opts to become an overseas Filipino worker (OFW), his/her welfare and protection will still be guaranteed by the government;

3. To make amendments to the existing trade policies, which govern the exports and imports sector of the country, in order to promote openness and sustainable growth for the Philippines;

4. To consider the problems arising from the rural economy as important; for instance, a problem emerges when failure to recognize farms and other rural enterprises as significant in obtaining food security and more equitable economic growth exists; so one way to address this issue is to reform the incentives given to this type of economy;

5. To make efficient partnerships with the private sector in order to execute well all the laws pertaining to land and ownership;

6. To continue and expand the anti-poverty program initiated by the Aquino administration so that there will be more opportunities for the poor and marginalized people in the Philippines, aimed at alleviating poverty in the country.


(c) GMA News

Miriam is a remarkable person and most Filipinos know that. The only problem (or if it’s even a problem) is that, she’s sick. Remember the last Presidential Debate? She didn’t seem to do well nor feel well. Her brains are a serious threat to most of the candidates--- even if she wouldn’t win, we’d still see her the same way: fearless.

Here are Santiago’s platforms:
  1. Aggressively fight the war against the illegal drugs that proliferate in most cities and towns in the city.
  2. Invest in public infrastructure, agriculture sector and government institutions.
  3. Restore meritocracy in government
  4. Support passage of Freedom of Information act
  5. Support the Supreme Court’s rulings on PDAF and the DAP
  6. Passage of Customs Administration Act
  7. Solve corruption at the Bureau of Customs
  8. Cut red tape
  9. Reward well-performing LGUs
  10. Build a modern international airport
  11. Establish a one mixed-use government center in 17 regions
  12. Amend restrictive provisions in the 1987 Constitution

POE, Grace

(c) Inquirer


I don’t even know why Grace Poe is running. She is, however, what I consider the lesser evil of the five. Yeah, we all know that she may be not ready yet but is that the only reason some of you would prefer the other four?

Here’s Grace’s platforms:
  1. Inclusive growth, global competitiveness and open government
  2. Education
  3. Improving agriculture, including land reform, irrigation and mechanization AND infrastructure, including the Internet
  4. Government-supported industrialization to induce manufacturing and create more jobs
  5. Improved transparency with the enactment of the Freedom of Information Law
  6. Reduced taxes and improved wages and benefits
  7. Lower power rates while boosting power generation with more attention on renewable energy
  8. Increased legal support to distressed overseas Filipino workers and reduced fees and red tape for those applying for work abroad
  9. Respect for human rights and the needs of vulnerable sectors, including persons with disabilities, indigenous people, the urban poor, women, children, foundings, the LGBT sector and senior citizens
  10. Health, including adequately staffed and equipped hospitals in every city, and strengthening the Philhealth program
  11. More roads and trains not only in Metro Manila but in major centers around the country and increasing infrastructure spending to seven percent of GDP
  12. More support for arts, culture and sports
  13. The establishment of an Emergency Management Department to address climate change and disaster preparedness
  14. Strengthen tourism programs
  15. A broadened conditional cash transfer program and improved nutrition for the young

DUTERTE, Rodrigo

We can’t deny it, pro-Duterte or not, you may have the slightest feeling he will win. Let’s just say that he’s more unique than the others. He will bring a change to this country if he wins, but is it going to be the change we expected?

(c) Philstar

Here are Duterte’s platforms:
  • Suppress crime, spread of drugs, corruption within 3 to 6 months after election into office.
  • Bring back the death penalty for drug trafficking, kidnapping, rape, robbery, homicide
  • Spread economic growth throughout the country and decongest Metro Manila.
  • Provide free irrigation and subsidized fertilizer and seeds for farmers
  • Improve labor conditions for Filipino workers.
  • Improve mobility of people and goods.
  • Build adequate classrooms, double classroom shifts
  • Require all hospitals to have a facility for very poor patients with government paying for the health services using PhilHealth reserve funds, sin tax revenues, and Department of Health budget
  • Create a single, permanent Emergency Response Department in charge of disaster preparedness, relief, and rehabilitation
  • Create a single, permanent Emergency Response Department in charge of disaster preparedness, relief, and rehabilitation

I just don’t like the idea that an uprising might happen against or with any candidates after the elections. This country doesn’t deserve that because we are silently suffering already. Think of the children, the innocent lives and the sum of people who can't vote yet. 

You are doing this for them. 

God save us all.



Jazz music, baby. Play it all night.


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